Friday, January 25, 2013

What is the Ore Bucket?

We here at Voelter Minerals used to have a section on our main web site called "what's happening" that was intended to be a "blog" of sorts but never really took off.  It was mostly just static pages of pictures of prior events we were a part of, such as the 2012 mineral and fossil show in Tucson, Arizona.

Now, with the 2013 version of that same show fast approaching, we've decided to launch a real blog that will contain stories and pictures from shows like Tucson, Denver, Houston, Munich or wherever else our travels take us.

And minerals, of course!  We specialize in fine minerals so there will be plenty of information regarding minerals, mineral collecting and more as we go along.  Lots of pictures and maybe even some video as well.

So that is the primary purpose of this blog.  We want this to be a fun and interactive place for all involved and we invite you to share your thoughts along the way.